Get Car Finance with Bad Credit
Get Car Finance with Bad Credit
Contrary to popular belief, possessing a poor credit rating doesn’t necessarily mean that securing car finance is out of reach. In fact, numerous specialist lenders in the UK offer financing options tailored explicitly towards those with subpar credit scores. Although it’s essential to be aware that acquiring car finance with bad credit may come at a higher interest rate and require a larger deposit, it’s still a feasible option for many individuals. By selecting the right lender and making payments on time, you can even improve your credit score over time. So if you’re in need of a vehicle and are worried about your credit rating, rest assured that there are still options available to you.
Can I Get Car Finance with a Poor Credit Score
Contrary to popular belief, possessing a poor credit rating doesn’t necessarily mean that securing car finance is out of reach. In fact, numerous specialist lenders in the UK offer financing options tailored explicitly towards those with subpar credit scores. Although it’s essential to be aware that acquiring car finance with bad credit may come at a higher interest rate and require a larger deposit, it’s still a feasible option for many individuals. By selecting the right lender and making payments on time, you can even improve your credit score over time. So if you’re in need of a vehicle and are worried about your credit rating, rest assured that there are still options available to you.
Can I Finance a Car Whilst in an IVA
It’s a common misconception that individuals in an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) are unable to acquire car finance. However, this is not necessarily the case. There are a few specialised companies in the UK that offer car finance options exclusively to those currently undergoing an IVA. While it’s essential to bear in mind that the interest rates may be higher, and the deposit requirements more significant, it’s still a viable option for those who require a vehicle. It’s worth noting that it’s crucial to ensure that you keep up with the repayments, as missed payments may result in further damage to your credit score. If you’re currently in an IVA and need to purchase a vehicle, it’s advisable to do your research and select a reputable lender that can cater to your needs.
Will Having a CCJ Prevent me Getting Car Finance
If you have a CCJ (County Court Judgement) against your name, you may be wondering whether it’s still possible to obtain car finance. While a CCJ can make it more challenging to secure finance, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s impossible. Numerous lenders in the UK specialise in offering car finance options to those with a CCJ. It’s essential to note that interest rates may be higher, and lenders may require a larger deposit to offset the increased risk. However, with careful research and the right lender, it’s still possible to acquire car finance with a CCJ.
Quick Car Finance
If you’re struggling with a poor credit score, are currently undergoing an IVA, or have a CCJ against your name, you may be feeling apprehensive about applying for car finance. However, there’s no need to feel disheartened as Quick Car Finance can help. Our team of experts works with a range of specialist lenders in the UK, offering car finance options explicitly tailored towards individuals in these specific situations. We understand that everyone’s financial circumstances are unique, which is why we work hard to find the right lender for your needs. So, if you’re in need of a car but have been hesitant due to your credit situation, why not pop over to Quick Car Finance , then click on; Car Finance and see if they can do something for you?
It would seem that even if you are on benefits, they can organise car financing too.
Can I get car finance with bad credit?
Yes, it is possible to obtain car finance with bad credit. Quick Car Finance specializes in working with individuals who have a poor credit history or low credit score.
Can I get car finance while in an IVA?
Yes, there are certain companies that are able to offer car finance for people in IVA’s, including Quick Car Finance.