Aqua Increase Credit Limit – Irresponsible Lending?
Aqua Increase Someone’s Credit Limit
Surely when someone is in a debt management plan, a company does not review someone’s account and then increase their credit limit?
This person is currently in a debt management plan and has been in the plan since 2008.
Having done an in-depth income and expenditure, it was found that the client was only able to pay £5.00 per month to Aqua as part of a pro rata split.
“Direct Line 0800 587 5770
Following the most recent review of your Aqua and external credit bureau records, your credit limit is now £600.00.
In line with our commitment to responsible lending we feel this limit is more appropriate. These changes are in line with your current terms and conditions.
If you have any queries relating to your account, please contact us on the Card Services number above.
Yours sincerely
Manager, Collections”
It certainly makes me wonderwhy the manager of collections would increase a clients credit limit when they are not even paying the required standard minimum payment?
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